Arrival & Dismissal: A Family GuideMorning Arrival
Afternoon Dismissal & PickupEach year, we strive to improve our afternoon dismissal and pickup to make things run as safely and efficiently as possible. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing important information for our families to ensure picking up your scholar is as straightforward and stress free as possible.
Dismissal for the upcoming school year will be staggered into two groupings: K-5 will dismiss at 3:00-3:30pm 6-12 will dismiss at 3:30-4 pm The most efficient times to pick up your students without a long line have historically been the final 15 minutes of each dismissal (K-5 3:15-3:30pm, 6-12 3:45-4pm). New for 2024-2025 We will be transporting elementary students that have older siblings to the middle/high school complex for afternoon dismissal. If you have an elementary student and a middle/highschool student, you will pick up both of your students starting at 3:30pm at the middle school circle drive. The goal of this change is to reduce the number of cars that back up on Bob Beatty Road. In order for dismissal to run safely and efficiently, we are asking three important things from families:
With over 570 students, it takes a coordinated effort of staff, families, and students to make afternoon dismissal run safely. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation as we begin a new school year. |