Connect classes
The standard course of study is augmented by Connects classes, explorations in the fine arts and physical education. Instructional content is thematically woven with grade-level instructional units and provides students with an outlet for creative and physical expression. Connect classes for Kindergarten through 8th grade include Theatre, Spanish, Physical Education, and Social Emotional Learning.
PSCS theatre classes are intended to expose students to the formal study of theater, both through consideration of plays and playwrights as well as through the creation and production of their own ideas. Students discover that drama, like art and music, is a significant human experience woven through history and across cultures.
Studying World Languages connects students to other cultures, and enhances their appreciation of spoken and written languages. At Pioneer Springs, students in Kindergarten through eighth grade study Spanish. Spanish language classes explore culture, and make use of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and singing.
Physical EducationP.E. at PSCS takes a non-traditional approach to introducing all students to grade specific essential standards for physical health. Using elements such as obstacle courses and team assignments PE teaches collaboration, team work and the appreciation of difference. Working together students find and make connections, learning one another’s strengths and gifts. Just as in the classrooms there is a P.E. promise, a commitment to respecting others, the equipment and the environment. The promise includes honoring personal space and a commitment to having fun. P.E. takes place outside in the full range of Carolina weather.
Social emotional learning
Social-emotional learning (SEL) includes the development of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. As a Basic School, Pioneer Springs believes that SEL is an essential component of character education. SEL is woven throughout the school day, from Morning Mindfulness, to exploring SEL themes in the curriculum and in social interactions, to Closing Reflection. Additionally, students meet with our Guidance Counselor weekly to develop their SEL skills.