Updated 2/24/22
The PSCS Board of Directors voted Tuesday to put a mask optional policy in place for both students and staff beginning Monday, February 28th.
•Families bear the greatest responsibility in setting the expectation for students who will wear masks on campus while indoors; however, just as we would assist a student with a medical peripheral, staff will assist K-2nd graders and students needing special assistance in families who alert teachers by email that their child will be wearing a mask and may need assistance. This assistance includes verbal reminders, replacing broken or lost masks, hand gestures to signal wearing the mask appropriately, and communication with parents when their students are not wearing masks in the manner intended. Staff will not force students to wear masks nor are we in a position to offer unlimited redirection beyond 4-5 times a day. KN95 masks will be available for any student who would like one.
•PSCS will continue to track internal metrics regarding positive Covid cases and will follow the guidance of the NC Strong Schools Toolkit. We will continue with our bi-weekly Covid report in our Coop Scoop. The school will also continue to follow those best practices and interventions which have resulted thus far in very few cases on campus with limited spread: minimum distancing of at least 3 feet, use of testing to identify cases, air purifiers in all buildings, frequent hand-washing, being outside, and staying home when sick per the school's Wellness Policy**.
•The school's Wellness Policy, which follows, addresses all scenarios, including Covid, of potential illness at school : "If a teacher notices a child is not feeling well and is unable to participate in class activities, the school will contact the parent/guardian or emergency contact. The parent/guardian or emergency contact will adhere to the teacher’s recommendation as to whether a student can remain in the classroom or will need to return home. A student must be free from fever and symptoms before returning to school after an illness.”
•All classrooms will use the morning meeting each day of the week between 2/28 - 3/4 to emphasize that we are "[people] who appreciate the differences in others" from the I AM CREED, posted in each PSCS classroom and recited daily. We appreciate all of the thoughtful emails and comments in support of how we will together, as a community, respectfully navigate our changing landscape.
Updated 1/6/22
As of January 6th, we have 26 confirmed cases of Covid on campus across Kindergarten through 10th grade and 3 confirmed cases among our staff. Our community as a whole has had a surge in positive Covid cases over the winter break, however, these cases have not directly affected our campus and are not included in this update. Pioneer Springs continues to follow the Strong Schools Toolkit regarding quarantine protocols and will notify families as information is shared with us. Please take a moment and note the recent changes to the toolkit (button above) Please continue with your transparent and timely communication when illness is suspected or confirmed.
Updated 10/22/21
As of October 22nd, we have 17 confirmed cases of Covid on campus across Kindergarten through10th grades and 1 confirmed case among our staff. Pioneer Springs continues to follow the Strong Schools Toolkit regarding quarantine protocols and will notify families as information is shared with us. Please continue with your transparent and timely communication when illness is suspected or confirmed.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we navigate the challenges of this school year together. Pioneer Springs remains committed to staying open to the fullest extent possible and, toward that effort, your continued communication and proactive choices around student attendance are essential. Please continue to keep students home if they manifest symptoms including:
If you have questions about Pioneer Springs' Covid protocols, the optional testing program, or a situation specific to your child's health, please contact Danielle Leccese, the school nurse, at 704.494.0777 or [email protected]. We particularly request that you be in touch with her when your child is absent due to illness so that she may coordinate with you and your student's teachers to ensure everyone has shared information and common expectations.
WHO: Any PSCS student or staff can opt to get a Covid test at any time regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Students cannot be given a test without a consent form signed by a parent or guardian.
HOW: The COVID-19 test is free, quick, and easy. It is a rapid antigen test conducted by swabbing the inner part of the lower nostril. The test is administered and interpreted by the school nurse and results are available within 15 minutes. Participants' health information is protected and results are shared with both the parent and DHHS via an online reporting portal. Positive test results are also shared with the class or grade level community in the form of a general notification for the purposes of public health--no identifying information is included and all communication is in accordance with applicable law and policies protecting student privacy.
WHERE: COVID-19 testing is conducted in a discreet setting located within the administrative building. Testing is conducted during regular school hours.
Per SB 654 and in consideration of the
continued spread of the Delta variant in Mecklenburg
County, the PSCS Board of Trustees voted at our October
18th meeting to continue a mask requirement in all
classrooms for students and staff.
Updated 9/9/21
Pioneer Springs' Covid protocols are informed by
the NC Strong Schools Public Health Toolkit and state and local directives. At this time, all students and staff, regardless of vaccine status, are required to wear masks that meet the CDC recommendations while indoors; masks can be removed when students/ staff are outdoors and safely distanced. PSCS will continue to employ layered mitigation strategies such as physical distancing in the classroom when possible, ventilation and filtering, hand hygiene, and monitoring for increases or spread of COVID-19 within our community. The school will update parents every two weeks regarding the impact of COVID to our school community and any necessary adjustments to our protocols, including:
• Min 3 ft distancing when possible in classrooms; 6 ft distancing outdoors for mask removal.
• Lunch and mask breaks outdoors to maximize conditions for safe mask removal.
• Continued limited access for visitors and volunteers at this time.
• Quarantine for students or staff who are in close contact, as defined by the Strong Schools Toolkit, or test positive until they meet the requirements to return to school. Please refer to pages 14-17 for specific scenarios and clarification regarding how vaccine status impacts length of quarantine/ options. Only impacted students/ staff will be asked to quarantine and cohorts will be notified.
• Parents are asked to continue to keep a student home if the student or anyone in the household manifests symptoms of illness. Please communicate with Glenda Cheek at [email protected] or 704-494-0777 to discuss next steps.
• Contact Glenda Cheek if you have questions about a medical mask exemption.
• Please contact Audie McGinnis at [email protected] to discuss alternate options if yours is a situation where a health need will prohibit safe attendance on campus.
• Ongoing cleaning and disinfecting in all buildings.
The PSCS Board of Directors voted Tuesday to put a mask optional policy in place for both students and staff beginning Monday, February 28th.
•Families bear the greatest responsibility in setting the expectation for students who will wear masks on campus while indoors; however, just as we would assist a student with a medical peripheral, staff will assist K-2nd graders and students needing special assistance in families who alert teachers by email that their child will be wearing a mask and may need assistance. This assistance includes verbal reminders, replacing broken or lost masks, hand gestures to signal wearing the mask appropriately, and communication with parents when their students are not wearing masks in the manner intended. Staff will not force students to wear masks nor are we in a position to offer unlimited redirection beyond 4-5 times a day. KN95 masks will be available for any student who would like one.
•PSCS will continue to track internal metrics regarding positive Covid cases and will follow the guidance of the NC Strong Schools Toolkit. We will continue with our bi-weekly Covid report in our Coop Scoop. The school will also continue to follow those best practices and interventions which have resulted thus far in very few cases on campus with limited spread: minimum distancing of at least 3 feet, use of testing to identify cases, air purifiers in all buildings, frequent hand-washing, being outside, and staying home when sick per the school's Wellness Policy**.
•The school's Wellness Policy, which follows, addresses all scenarios, including Covid, of potential illness at school : "If a teacher notices a child is not feeling well and is unable to participate in class activities, the school will contact the parent/guardian or emergency contact. The parent/guardian or emergency contact will adhere to the teacher’s recommendation as to whether a student can remain in the classroom or will need to return home. A student must be free from fever and symptoms before returning to school after an illness.”
•All classrooms will use the morning meeting each day of the week between 2/28 - 3/4 to emphasize that we are "[people] who appreciate the differences in others" from the I AM CREED, posted in each PSCS classroom and recited daily. We appreciate all of the thoughtful emails and comments in support of how we will together, as a community, respectfully navigate our changing landscape.
Updated 1/6/22
As of January 6th, we have 26 confirmed cases of Covid on campus across Kindergarten through 10th grade and 3 confirmed cases among our staff. Our community as a whole has had a surge in positive Covid cases over the winter break, however, these cases have not directly affected our campus and are not included in this update. Pioneer Springs continues to follow the Strong Schools Toolkit regarding quarantine protocols and will notify families as information is shared with us. Please take a moment and note the recent changes to the toolkit (button above) Please continue with your transparent and timely communication when illness is suspected or confirmed.
Updated 10/22/21
As of October 22nd, we have 17 confirmed cases of Covid on campus across Kindergarten through10th grades and 1 confirmed case among our staff. Pioneer Springs continues to follow the Strong Schools Toolkit regarding quarantine protocols and will notify families as information is shared with us. Please continue with your transparent and timely communication when illness is suspected or confirmed.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we navigate the challenges of this school year together. Pioneer Springs remains committed to staying open to the fullest extent possible and, toward that effort, your continued communication and proactive choices around student attendance are essential. Please continue to keep students home if they manifest symptoms including:
- Fever or chills
- Cough, Shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue or Muscle or body aches, including headaches
- New loss of taste of smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
If you have questions about Pioneer Springs' Covid protocols, the optional testing program, or a situation specific to your child's health, please contact Danielle Leccese, the school nurse, at 704.494.0777 or [email protected]. We particularly request that you be in touch with her when your child is absent due to illness so that she may coordinate with you and your student's teachers to ensure everyone has shared information and common expectations.
WHO: Any PSCS student or staff can opt to get a Covid test at any time regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Students cannot be given a test without a consent form signed by a parent or guardian.
HOW: The COVID-19 test is free, quick, and easy. It is a rapid antigen test conducted by swabbing the inner part of the lower nostril. The test is administered and interpreted by the school nurse and results are available within 15 minutes. Participants' health information is protected and results are shared with both the parent and DHHS via an online reporting portal. Positive test results are also shared with the class or grade level community in the form of a general notification for the purposes of public health--no identifying information is included and all communication is in accordance with applicable law and policies protecting student privacy.
WHERE: COVID-19 testing is conducted in a discreet setting located within the administrative building. Testing is conducted during regular school hours.
Per SB 654 and in consideration of the
continued spread of the Delta variant in Mecklenburg
County, the PSCS Board of Trustees voted at our October
18th meeting to continue a mask requirement in all
classrooms for students and staff.
Updated 9/9/21
Pioneer Springs' Covid protocols are informed by
the NC Strong Schools Public Health Toolkit and state and local directives. At this time, all students and staff, regardless of vaccine status, are required to wear masks that meet the CDC recommendations while indoors; masks can be removed when students/ staff are outdoors and safely distanced. PSCS will continue to employ layered mitigation strategies such as physical distancing in the classroom when possible, ventilation and filtering, hand hygiene, and monitoring for increases or spread of COVID-19 within our community. The school will update parents every two weeks regarding the impact of COVID to our school community and any necessary adjustments to our protocols, including:
• Min 3 ft distancing when possible in classrooms; 6 ft distancing outdoors for mask removal.
• Lunch and mask breaks outdoors to maximize conditions for safe mask removal.
• Continued limited access for visitors and volunteers at this time.
• Quarantine for students or staff who are in close contact, as defined by the Strong Schools Toolkit, or test positive until they meet the requirements to return to school. Please refer to pages 14-17 for specific scenarios and clarification regarding how vaccine status impacts length of quarantine/ options. Only impacted students/ staff will be asked to quarantine and cohorts will be notified.
• Parents are asked to continue to keep a student home if the student or anyone in the household manifests symptoms of illness. Please communicate with Glenda Cheek at [email protected] or 704-494-0777 to discuss next steps.
• Contact Glenda Cheek if you have questions about a medical mask exemption.
• Please contact Audie McGinnis at [email protected] to discuss alternate options if yours is a situation where a health need will prohibit safe attendance on campus.
• Ongoing cleaning and disinfecting in all buildings.