Who do I contact when…?
A guide to communication at Pioneer Springs
“Direct communication is the foundation of trust.” – Anonymous
“Direct communication is the foundation of trust.” – Anonymous
Click here for a handy chart that helps you figure out who to contact when you have a question or view it below.
Communication Best Practices
- Always start by speaking directly with the person who is responsible for the thing about which you are wondering.
- Good communication takes time–anticipate that when you reach out to a person, s/he may need a few days to consider your question before formulating a response.
- Email can be a great way to ask general questions or to get factual information. However, in-person conferences and phone conversations can be even more productive. Please consider using these communication tools to build strong partnerships with staff.
- Pioneer Springs’ phone number is 704-494-0777. If you leave a voicemail, please know that our voicemail system takes up to 24 hours to deliver voicemails.
If you have a question about... |
Reach out to... |
Something that is happening in a specific classroom |
The classroom teacher |
Exceptional Children’s services, and your student has an IEP |
Your student’s EC teacher |
Exceptional Children’s services, and your student does not have an IEP |
Nakia Massey, EC Coordinator ([email protected]) |
Student Support Services, including 504 plans, HS student parking |
Jose Martinez ([email protected]) |
Guidance & SEL |
Karlee Cheek ([email protected]) |
The college counseling process, or CPCC dual enrollment |
Lynn Curley ([email protected]) |
Accessing PowerSchool or transcripts |
Lynn Curley ([email protected]) |
PreOneers Preschool Program |
Rachel Larkin ([email protected]) |
General elementary school academic or program questions |
Margaret Bonds ([email protected]) |
MTSS interventions |
Margaret Bonds ([email protected]) |
General middle and high school academic or program questions |
Heidi Magi ([email protected]) |
Volunteering on campus or at an event |
Heidi Magi ([email protected]) |
Donating money or other items to the school |
Heidi Magi ([email protected]) |
Volunteering in your student’s classroom |
Your student’s classroom teacher |
Athletics and Extracurricular Activities |
Tosha Casini ([email protected]) |
Field trips |
Chris Simeral ([email protected]) |
Carline arrival and dismissal |
Chris Simeral ([email protected]) |
Medications, allergies, or health needs |
Arman Casini ([email protected]) |
Before and after school care |
Lottery, enrollment, and student records |
I know I saw something about … somewhere |
Check the Coop Scoop |
Informing the school that your student will be picked up by someone not listed on the authorized pick-up list |
Melany Rytel ([email protected]) |
Updating contact information |
Melany Rytel ([email protected]) |
I don’t see my concern above, and I still don’t know who to contact |
Melany Rytel ([email protected]) |
I haven’t gotten a response–what do I do next? |
Contact Becky Friend at [email protected] |
I would like to report a student absence |