The P.R.I.D.E. experience (Purpose, Responsibility, Interdependence, and Environmental Awareness) built upon the components of service learning. Stage I, Awareness, challenges student groups with researching, selecting, and determining a course of action to address an issue facing their community. Stage II, Activate, invites students to take action to make an impact on the target issue. Students culminate their service learning projects during the third stage, Advocate, by becoming ambassadors to encourage others within the community to become involved in their chosen issue. As advocates for a selected issue, students hope to raise awareness and support for a community issue or challenge beyond their small group.
Each of the three stages--Awareness, Activate, and Advocate-- culminates with students presenting their accomplishments to a review panel of parents, staff members, and community members. These presentations not only allow students to be recognized for their hard work, but also gives students the opportunity to practice public speaking and interview skills.
Each of the three stages--Awareness, Activate, and Advocate-- culminates with students presenting their accomplishments to a review panel of parents, staff members, and community members. These presentations not only allow students to be recognized for their hard work, but also gives students the opportunity to practice public speaking and interview skills.