Each year, the Department of Public Instruction assigns every public school in North Carolina a "report card", a tool intended to help families and stakeholders understand how the school is growing and succeeding as well as any areas of need. The School Report Card grade ranges from A to F based on a composite score made of proficiency on standardized testing and student growth from year to year as measured by those same tests. Proficiency makes up 80% of the overall composite score and growth comprises 20%. Like all data, the School Report Card offers one part of a larger picture about a school.
Pioneer Springs Scores:
2024-25 60 (C)
2022-23 53 (D)
2021-22 57 (C)
2020-21 No Score due to Covid
2019-20 No Score due to Covid
Read to Achieve: In accordance with General Statute 115C-218.85, following are the results of the 3rd grade Read to Achieve mandate for the 2023-24 school year: 43% of tested students were proficient as measured by EOG performance. 43% of students met the requirement through iReady alternate testing. 10.6 % were granted Good Cause Exemptions. 4% of students qualified for priority enrollment in summer reading camp.